Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Kathy Griffin's Shame:

Kathy Griffin lost her head and went too far. Maybe it was due to the waning popularity the liberal comedienne had been enduring. It may have helped summon the idea for her attention-getting beheading stunt. She got that attention, but her ‘joke’ was spectacularly unfunny. 

It has become too commonplace on the left to threaten violence against those with whom they disagree when they should be offering debate. This is especially typical of the ‘Antifa’ mentality. They hurl bike locks first and ask no questions later. If the left continues to promote and encouraging violence, they may get it. We all know the nation is more divided than ever. Despite her apology, Kathy Griffin helped widen that divide. 

—Ben Garrison

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Body Slamming

Last week Greg Gianforte allegedly ‘body slammed’ an overly obtrusive reporter from ‘The Guardian.’ Some say the reporter’s aggressive behavior was designed to provoke such an altercation in order to ruin Gianforte’s chances of getting elected to Montana’s lone congressional seat. Most likely, it had the opposite effect. The Democrats and their corporate media seem a little desperate these days. Not only are their fake media getting body slammed and revealed for what they are (liars), but the DNC itself has been exposed for rigging primaries, lying about election hacking by Russia, and even having dissenters murdered. 

Trump’s European tour also showed that he was an alpha male. His handshake crushed Macron’s beta male hand. He pushed his way to the front of the crowd. He’s not about to let himself or America take a back seat. He didn’t bow to foreign leaders and apologize profusely like Obama did. He didn’t cave into the globalist and phony ‘climate change’ narrative. Merkel was furious as if she had also been body slammed. That’s good—when they’re hurting, it’s always a good sign. We don’t need their ‘global governance.' Carbon taxes will make people such as Al Gore richer and more powerful as we fund our own slavery and impoverishment. No thank you.

Keep on body slammin’ them, President Trump.

—Ben Garrison

Saturday, May 20, 2017

"Lady Justice Says, "LOCK HER UP!"

WikiLeaks revealed Hillary’s loyalty and devotion to the central bankers. In her usual perfunctory and well-planned manner, she spouted empty platitudes at voters and expected to win automatically. Hillary and Bill engaged in ‘pay for play’ graft as a matter of course. They grew stupendously wealthy. She operated an illegal server and destroyed evidence. The Clintons are monsters who have left a long trail of bodies to obtain and preserve their power. They must consider Americans to be easy marks. Citizens are suckers to them.

Hillary is a money-grubbing, power-mad grifter. She’s a vile criminal globalist and a central banker toady. Her association with Podesta suggests she has also dabbled with Satanism.

After she lost the election, Hillary and her operatives invented the Russian narrative to distract from her criminality and failed candidacy. Apparently the deep state will amp up their Russian lie as a means to impeach President Trump. That’s why the media are releasing stories not based on facts and evidence, but on mysterious unnamed sources and hearsay. The big corporate media have plenty of money, but they’re rapidly losing credibility and can no longer easily brainwash Americans, who are deserting them in droves. More and more citizens are following truth tellers and real investigative journalists on the Internet. The legacy media have been exposed as liars and purveyors of fake news. Despite their vast monetary resources, they’re losing their power and sway over American minds. Good.

Regardless, Hillary never goes away and she always seems to elude justice despite abundant evidence against her. Trump needs to make good on his campaign promise: “Lock her up!”

—Ben Garrison

Monday, May 15, 2017


Last week we were dished out a story about Trump getting two scoops of ice cream while others only got one. Maxine Waters pounced on the incident as another chance to scream for President Trump’s impeachment. This subject is a rocky road filled with nuts and puns, so I drew this cartoon as a cherry on top.

—Ben Garrison

Sunday, May 14, 2017

"The Talk On Campus"

Here's a cartoon that sums up today's college campuses. To balance out the voices on the far left who would end free speech, I've added in some voices of reason--particularly Stefan Molyneux. He deserves a special tip of the hat.

--Ben Garrison

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

"You're Fired!"

James Comey has been fired by President Trump. It’s a good first step toward draining the swamp. If Trump holds to form, more people will be fired. Trump has never tolerated incompetence.

Comey refused to prosecute crooked Hillary Clinton because he said Hillary had no ‘intent’ to commit crimes. Comey had no right to decide Clinton’s guilt or innocence. That should have been left to the courts. The evidence against Hillary was overwhelming, and she still needs to be locked up. Intent has no bearing on case.

Comey also claimed he was looking into Trump’s ‘Russian’ connections, which were non-existent. Hillary invented the Russian story to deflect from her criminal activity while also providing her a convenient way to blame ‘Russian hackers’ on her defeat. The corrupt mainstream media breathlessly spread this fake news. Hillary had more to do with Moscow than Trump ever did. Bill Clinton raked in $500,000 for a speech there. Shortly thereafter Hillary allowed a Russian company to gain control of a large percentage of US uranium reserves. Classic pay for play. But Comey didn’t investigate that, which was a real scandal—oh no. Comey allowed the FBI to become a political tool for his deep state masters.

Comey was also a bumbler. He repeatedly failed to pursue chances to end incidences of Islamic terrorism. He granted Hillary’s aides immunity unnecessarily and allowed evidence to be destroyed. He didn’t investigate Obama's scandals. He was, after all, appointed by Obama.

Let’s hope Trump continues to drain the swamp. Firing Comey is a good first step.

— Ben Garrison

Tuesday, May 09, 2017

"Matt's Fury"

Matt Furie, you're doing it wrong. I was going to write a small essay to explain why your attempt to kill off Pepé the Frog in your comic strip simply won't work--and in fact, it will probably make the trolling against you worse. But then I saw Styxhexenhammer666's video and he explains it far better than I ever could:

Hillary Clinton pronounced Pepé to be a scary 'racist' symbol in order to smear Trump supporters during last year's presidential race. It didn't work and Pepé is not a symbol of the 'alt right' simply because she said so. He's a vehicle used to express many emotions and political beliefs, but Hillary pompously appointed herself as the Commissar of Hate Speech and tried to kill off Pepé. She failed.

Pepé is a meme that can't be eliminated with an official declaration or wave of a hand from some 'authority.' He's part of the public domain of free speech. Praise Kek.

--Ben Garrison

Saturday, May 06, 2017

'Macron, the Door Mat'

We at GrrrGraphics convey our best wishes to Marine Le Pen in the French election. The so-called ‘centrist’ Macron represents the globalist bankers and submission to Islam. LePen represents traditional France. We need more nationalists such as Le Pen, Geert Wilders, and Nigel Farage in Europe to help stem the onrushing Islamic tide as well as end the tyranny that is the European Union. We need politicians who aren’t cowed by political correctness.

Americans elected a populist president to drain the swamp and make America great again. France can do something similar by electing Le Pen. Make Great Britain great again. Make France great again. Protect Europe against the Islamic invasion and start standing up for western civilization again.

—Ben Garrison

Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Presidential Grooming

Hillary Clinton stated “I take absolute responsibility” for her election loss. She promptly went on to blame James Comey, Russian ‘WikiLeak’ hackers and misogyny. Hillary expected to win automatically. After all, she outspent Trump two to one. Trump however, out-campaigned her by the same ratio. Trump appeared robust and tireless while Hillary was apparently out sick, coasting or resting. The rust belt wanted jobs, not a repeat of the empty hope and change promises previously delivered by Obama. They were ready for real change. Hillary was the status quo candidate of the central bankers. So was Obama. Trump stood out as a populist outsider with a more compelling vision of America—and he won.

WikiLeaks exposed Hillary as an operative working for the banking elite, the CFR and the deep state Illuminati. She lacked charisma, health, ethics and a convincing back story. Instead, she relied on slogans and platitudes that rang hollow. It’s time for the Clintons to go away for good, but they have owned and corrupted the Democratic party for so long that they have now become the Democrat party. Without them, who else is there? Elizabeth Warren? That could possibly explain why the Clintons, who grew fantastically rich through their political graft are now promoting their daughter. Chelsea has recently received a great many positive mentions and news stories from the bought-out mainstream media. Hillary is grooming her for office. First, the Clintons will pay for a congressional seat even though Chelsea is not qualified. Then, after a term or two, she’ll probably run for a short stint in the Senate. After that, the presidency.

Hillary ran a dog of a campaign. No amount of grooming and money will help her daughter succeed where her mother failed. America has had enough of the Clinton and Bush dynasties.

—Ben Garrison