Thursday, June 29, 2017

"Ship of Fools"

The Democratic Party is in decline. They have no real leaders on the horizon and those running the show are hopelessly corrupt. The Clintons are criminals. Nancy Pelosi is losing her mind. Joe Biden is a laughable pervert. Podesta practices Satanism. Bernie Sanders isn’t a ‘progressive.’ Stop calling him that. He’s nothing more than a communist who pocketed donations from the common man. Bernie knew he had no chance against the DNC machine. Despite the rigging and abuse he faced, he endorsed his abuser. Perez, the new DNC chairman is a ‘nut job.’ Maxine Waters is a raving lunatic. The sycophant mainstream media supporting the Democrats continue to double down on the ‘Russia’ narrative nonsense even though it has been proven over and over to be fake news. Some of them have now been caught admitting that. Hollywood and their ilk can do little to regain relevance other than to call for resistance against President Trump. Some even call for assassination outright.

The Democrats have become defacto Socialists who want open borders and globalism. The LGBQT+ crowd keeps adding on letters and that’s all about shutting down free speech and destroying the family—and even reality. Their behavior is exactly what the communist globalists want. Call someone who considers themselves ‘intersexual’ a male or female? Then you’re a hater or a whatever-phobe and some will demand that you pay a large fine or be locked up because feelings were hurt.

The Neo Cons in the Republican Party are on the same page as the Democrats. Until Trump came along, there was really only one giant globalist party running the show, but now they’re on the rocks, thanks to Wikileaks and truth tellers on the Internet.

How can the rudderless Democrats right their ship? For one thing, they can take down the dirty sail that is Obama. He did his best to destroy America. Start repudiating the fools who spout lies and nonsense. Throw the Clintons overboard or even better—lock them up. But mostly, they need to do what Trump is doing: Put America first. Don’t hold your breath on that ever happening.

—Ben Garrison

Monday, June 26, 2017

"Drowning In Debt"

Illinois is in a bad state. Oh, it’s not a bad state per se—it is, after all "The Land of Lincoln.” There are plenty of good people there—especially in the rural areas. It’s not their fault that they’re burdened with the city of Chicago. It’s a place long-known for its corruption and profligate spending. It has now reached an end game and there’s not enough money to keep the farce going. Eventually, other people’s money runs out. Now they can’t cover city operating costs if they want to cover the massive pension obligations--and they must do the latter because it’s mandated by their state constitution.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel is a colossal failure. His solution to the runaway murder rate in his city? He calls for even more gun control. His solution to the fiscal crisis is to go deeper in debt. To help salvage his damaged reputation, the mayor went into virtue signaling mode and denounced President Trump over ‘climate change.’ Instead of facing the gigantic problems in his city, he trumpets the climate change farce. Hey Rahm—you can’t even save Chicago. Forget about saving the ‘planet.’ Rahm vowed his sanctuary city will adopt the Paris Climate Change Accord regardless. Chicago is also a ‘sanctuary city,’ where illegal immigrants are shielded and supported—federal law be damned.

High taxes, statist micromanagement, and chronic overspending may help liberal politicians look good over the short term, but it destroys the wealth of the people over the long term. Socialism or progressivism or whatever else they want to call it these days never works well over the long term. We recently saw it fail in Venezuela and then Puerto Rico. Chicago will fail next and it will take Illinois down with it.

—Ben Garrison

Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Scott Helmer Show

If you have a chance, check out the Scott Helmer show. He's a great guy who has helped many people. It was my pleasure to talk with him last week.

--Ben Garrison

Saturday, June 17, 2017

"Alex Jones Plays Megyn Like a Violin"

We’re beginning to see more clashes between the dinosaur media and Internet-based journalists. Submitted for your viewing pleasure is a cartoon that sums up the interview Megyn Kelly conducted with Alex Jones.

Megyn left Fox for NBC and now she makes around $15 million per year, but Alex didn’t have stars in his eyes. He took her to school and played her like a violin. He knew she was out to play the ‘Gotcha!’ game. Her goal was to discredit Alex and by extension President Trump, who granted InfoWars press credentials. 

Megyn promised to go easy on Alex to get him to agree to the interview, but she went into vicious attack dog mode as soon as it commenced. She grilled him on Sandy Hook in particular and then proceeded to selectively edit Alex’s comments to cast him in a bad light. Some advertisers are threatening to pull their ads from the show because they find Alex offensive. Alex wants NBC to cancel the segment because it turned into the hit job he expected. What Megyn didn’t know is Alex recorded their pre-interview session and he has proof of her disingenuousness. 

NBC doesn't want to cave in to Alex, so they may be forced to air the interview as a face-saving measure. That will upset their advertisers and give Alex more publicity. If they cancel the segment, NBC and Megyn will be admitting defeat. Either way, it’s a win-win situation for Alex because the mainstream media will be further discredited.

I happen to catch Glenn Beck interviewing the big leprechaun, Bill O’Reilly, over the matter. O’Reilly pompously stated Megyn should not given Alex Jones 'a forum.' He also claimed he didn’t know who Alex was and didn’t even know he had a radio show. Yeah. Sure, Bill. What O’Reilly showed me was that the MSM will do or say anything to discredit alternative media. The corporate MSM may have deep pockets, but they're continuing to lose credibility, viewers and readers. It’s good to see them swinging wildly—and missing. A citizen journalist working for little or no money on the Internet often has far more credibility than the overpaid deep state propaganda blowhards on TV. 

— Ben Garrison

Thursday, June 15, 2017

"Lighting The Fuse"

For some reason, many of those on the left think it’s perfectly A-OK to call for the death of our president. Some call for it directly, others indirectly. It may come in the form of ‘performance art’ where Trump becomes Julius Caesar and is stabbed to death. Kathy Griffin joked about him being decapitated, while holding up a facsimile of his severed head. In one of his videos, Snoop Dogg was shown shooting at President Trump. Madonna wanted to blow up the White House. 

Others such as Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and Michael Moore are calling for some sort of ominous ‘resistance’ to Trump. Former Vice Presidential Candidate Tim Kaine (whose son is a member of the Antifa) actually called for "fighting in the streets." Loretta Lynch called for “blood in the streets.” The mainstream media was complicit in conveying anti-Trump violence all along. Remember when they suggested he may not make it to his own inauguration? Rachel Maddow compared Trump to Hitler. It’s OK to kill Hitler, right? Once you strip someone of their humanity by smearing them as ‘Hitler’ or a ‘racist,’ then it’s fine to commit acts of violence on them. That’s what they did during the Spanish Inquisition. They labeled people ‘heretics’ and then tortured them. It’s a method starting to be used by the Antifa today. Anyone with whom they disagree with is automatically labeled a ‘fascist,’ and it’s fine to use violence against fascists. Many in the mainstream media have made menacing comments about Trump. The Secret Service must have a hard time keeping up with it all. I had trouble keeping up with all of it in my cartoon.

The far left currently hides under cloaks labeled ‘socialist’ or ‘progressive,’ but they’re really nothing but Marxists. You know, those people who believe in Marxism. The same old tired Marxism that has been repeatedly discredited. It was recently soundly discredited again in Venezuela. This is the same Marxism that caused the murder of many millions in the 20th Century. The man who opened fire on Republicans at the baseball field was for all intents and purposes, a Marxist. He was also a bad shot. Those on the left hate guns and many of them favor gun confiscation. Most probably know nothing about handling guns. This may prove to be a misfortune for them if they spark another civil war. They may find that many on the right will shoot back—and they won’t miss because most are well-trained in the use of firearms. Many are veterans who are used to shooting at people. Take this as a warning, you far-left loons who are trying to provoke a civil war. That war won’t end well for you. Maybe you should try peaceful dialogue instead. That would be a welcome change.

—Ben Garrison

Additional: I worked on the cartoon very late last night and erroneously had Madonna saying "Burn it down" when she said "Blow it up!" She was referring to the White House. The cartoon has been updated.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

"My 20,000 Pt. Dow Life"

The Dow was up nearly another 100 points today after yesterday’s loss. That seems to be the pattern. Every pull back is now seen as a buying opportunity. We are told the economy must be doing great because the market keeps going up, up UP! I suppose it’s a matter of perspective. It’s not so great for over 50 percent of Americans who own no stocks whatsoever. Most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck with little or no savings. They’re struggling to pay rent and the bills. They're not going to be buying AMZN at $1,000 per share. Jobless young people who are steeped in college debt and living with their parents can’t afford to buy stocks, either. Baby boomers are cashing out stocks to pay for their retirement. So what exactly is fueling the perpetual rise in stocks? The central bankers and global corporations themselves. President Trump and Obama have nothing to do with it. It’s an insiders’ game. 

The top one percent owns nearly 40 percent of stocks. The top 20 percent owns 92 percent. In other words, the fabulously rich continue to get stupendously richer by pumping up their own stocks while the average working person hasn’t seen a real wage increase in over 30 years. Yes, I know I’m at risk of being called a socialist by pointing this out. Some may say I’m trying to foment class warfare, but all I’m doing is stating facts. We already have a quasi-socialist system. The government steals our money and redistributes it as they see fit. Citizens were ordered to buy ObamaCare whether they liked it or not.

We also have a corporate fascist system. While many Americans are unable to pass ‘GO,’ the Federal Reserve routinely prints and doles out free money to its central banker owners. They in turn sock it into the stock market in the form of quantitative easing, ‘twists’ or whatever they want to call it. They own the Monopoly® board and make us pay each time we land on their squares. They also use their easy money to keep gold and silver suppressed. A classic case of ‘paper covers rock.’ Silver should have done what Bitcoin has done—gone up exponentially. The bankers apparently can’t rig or short Bitcoin. 

The big shots who own the game have run out of ideas about where their free money can be parked. Loan it out to the poor or entrepreneurs? Oh no, can’t do that…too much risk! Bonds? No way with these lower rates. The money addicts want the big returns that stocks can provide and so that’s where the money goes. Martin Armstrong even thinks the Dow can hit 40,000. Why not? It benefits those at the very top—you know, those who already own and control most anything anyway. More money for Bezos, Gates, Warren Buffett and the big bankers—great, huh? Those running the show through the CFR and at Bilderberg will continue to have ever-more money and influence while the little guy will lose more freedom, money and jobs. A rising market is great for the top of the pyramid, and terrible for the rest of us.

These are the things I think about as the rigged Dow continues to get force fed. A fat market living at all-time highs is NOT a good thing for the average citizen who picks up the tab, and if the market ever does explode, it will be the average citizen who will suffer the most. You see, it’s not really ‘free money.’ It’s debt currency and it produces a kind of privileged royalty at the top and debt slaves underneath them. It’s the sort of situation that sparks a revolution.

—Ben Garrison

Friday, June 09, 2017

"The Leak Fixer"

What a pathetic performance by Comey. How in the hell did such a man become an FBI director? Oh, now I remember. He was a clerk for the Deep State all along. His job was to protect the swamp. He was ordered to let Hillary off the hook.

Comey began by helping the Clintons escape Whitewater charges when he was a deputy counsel for a special Senate committee that was investigating the crime. Er, ‘the matter,’ as Comey probably saw it. Comey then went to Lockheed Martin, where he amassed a $6 million fortune before he left in 2010. That’s quite a reward.

He was appointed FBI director by Obama in 2013. Barry must have known that Comey was already compromised and would do the globalists' bidding. He was right. He let the arch criminal Hillary off the hook again by claiming she had no ‘intent,’ even though she lied about her email and the leaking of classified information from her illegal server. She obstructed justice by destroying evidence. Instead of going after Hillary, he granted her operatives immunity in the investigation, er, ’the matter.'

The hearings revealed Comey to be a weak, lying, wormy mound of quivering jelly. His investigation against Trump for supposedly colluding with Russia? It was all based on lies, hearsay and fake news. Comey admitted there was no evidence, yet he continued to spend taxpayer money on pursuing a case. He said he operated by a ‘gut feeling’ with Trump. In other words, the Deep State ordered him to drum up an investigation based on fake leaks and anonymous sources. Comey himself admitted to leaking information. He also admitted “The New York Times” was publishing fake news. Instead of investigating a real news story such as the murder of Seth Rich by the Deep State, the legacy media were busy concocting lies about Trump and Russia. On orders from the Deep State, of course.

President Trump’s decision to fire Comey was spot on. The first step in draining a swamp is to stop the toxic leaking, lies and corruption that help create one in the first place. The FBI, CIA and NSA should all be answerable to the president, and he should be able to fire anyone in those agencies. We The People should have ultimate control over such bureaus through the elected president. Otherwise, said agencies can go rogue while hiding under 'national security’ secrecy every time. That’s not right. We The People demand accountability. Otherwise the agencies can aid and abet criminals. You know, people such as Comey who let their shadow government comrades off the hook every time. It’s too bad Trump doesn’t fire the entire NSA outright for illegally spying on the American people, but firing Comey is a good first step.

Trump has been exonerated. Comey, the fake news mainstream media, and the Deep State have been humiliated. The swamp has just been drained slightly, thus opening up a path to bring Hillary to justice. Lock her up!

Trump 1, The Deep State 0

—Ben Garrison

Additional: People have asked why I draw President Trump in an athletic and robust manner. There are three reasons:

1. I draw him as he is inside--strong.
2. It helps to balance out how over the top disgusting the liberal cartoonists always portray him.

3. It makes those on the left angry.

Saturday, June 03, 2017

"A Change in The Weather"

I applaud President Trump for withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord. It sends a clear message to doubters that he is indeed not in the pocket of the Illuminati like all of the presidents since Kennedy have been. As to be expected, the outcry was immediate and incredulous. He fielded criticism from Al Gore, the Pope, Lloyd Blankfein, Merkel and many others. Leonardo DiCaprio said, “Our planet was threatened by Trump’s careless decision.” Notice how he doesn’t use the word ‘Earth.’ Instead we're just another planet out there—such as Mars—and its ready to have our atmosphere ripped away. Hey Leo, stick to acting and sucking in millions of bucks so you can leave huge carbon footprints with your private jets. Your pompous fear-mongering and hyperbole aren't convincing.

The Paris Agreement would have put a big burden on the US. “This agreement is less about climate and more about other countries gaining a financial advantage over the United States,” said the president. It would have sent more jobs overseas, while hurting our economy. Shutting down greenhouse gasses while allowing them in China was a bad deal for our country. President Trump hates bad deals. He stands for our country first and foremost. He’s a patriot and nationalist, and that’s refreshing. Patriotism used to be equated with nationalism, but the globalist professors and the far left legacy media have trained people into thinking nationalism is evil. They equate nationalism as ‘nativism’ and hate. The left went so far as to call anyone who wanted to protect our borders as being ‘Nazis.’ This was part of their plan—change the language and brainwash people into supporting their objectives.

George Soros, who has spent what has been called a "staggering amount of money" to influence (hack) our elections in favor of his selections, also spent $30 million on Al Gore’s global warming programs, which aim to lobby carbon taxes to further impoverish and control U.S. citizens. It’s about more money going to the central bankers and global business interests at top of the pyramid. It’s about those at the very top conditioning minds so that they’ll readily accept global ‘governance,’ which means a one-world collectivist dictatorship run by slave masters. The end game for them is making everyone poor and dependent on government. This also means digital currency, mandatory vaccines and the further erosion of liberty. Eventually it means a culling of humanity.

If Obama, Soros, Merkel, the Rothschilds, Trudeau, Marcon are excited about the agreement, then we know from that alone that it must be rejected. We know scientists can cherry pick and distort data to promote the agenda as long as they are well-plied with Illuminati money. We know that Kissinger considers climate change to be the main pillar in erecting the New World Order. Trump just put a crack in that pillar. 

The atheist Bill Maher sounds like fire and brimstone preacher when it comes to climate change. He displays a religious fervor when it comes to the topic. Those opposing his view are treated with contempt and ridicule. This method is used by the globalists to quell opposing opinions on the topic. Anyone questioning it gets called names. Scientists who question it lose their jobs and reputations.

Yes, the climate changes, but if the globalists really cared about ‘the planet,’ they’d be doing something about the most egregious danger out there today: Fukushima, which continues to destroy an entire ocean. We hear nothing about that from the illuminati, do we? Instead, Al Gore bangs on his desk in his seashore mansion and demands a $15 trillion carbon tax so he and his carbon control companies can get filthy rich.

The climate change narrative is being run by con artists such as Gore. They spew out the best distorted data money can buy. It’s bunk. There’s no reason we can’t have clean-burning coal and natural gas. Both are in copious supply. There’s no reason we can’t have industry and well-paying jobs returning to America. But as George Carlin once said, ‘The real owners don’t want that."

Thursday, June 01, 2017

"The Queen of Excuses"

Hillary Clinton is continuing her whine tour. She usually prefaces her complaints by first saying she takes full responsibility, but then she launches into her blame game—and she blames everyone but herself. She outspent Trump by more than a two to one margin, but Trump out-campaigned her and made far more appearances to his packed venues. Hillary didn’t bother much because she thought it was in the bag all along. After all, that’s what her skewed polls told her. She once said (when she thought she had a huge lead) she never even thought of Trump anymore. The Clintons always used their power and crooked games to rig elections in their favor. Why would she expect things to be any different? All Clinton thought she had to do was talk about ‘glass ceilings’ while the globalist deep state-owned mainstream media praised her as being the most qualified candidate in history. CNN constantly talked about the ‘historic’ Clinton and expected the brainwashed masses to vote for her no matter what. 

Yet the MSM had lost its persuasive power. The Internet was the instrument that swayed minds and Hillary was so out of touch that she simply couldn’t understand that. She instead insulted pro-Trump Americans as ‘deplorables.’

So Hillary lost despite her advantages. She flew into a drunken rage and didn’t even bother to address the crowd who had been waiting for her patiently and for many hours. She sent the satanic pedophile Podesta to tell her supporters to go home. She lacked the class and accountability to tell them herself.

Instead of going away and accepting her defeat gracefully, she instead concocted the ‘Russia’ story while claiming she was going to lead the opposition, which wanted to impeach Trump. What she’s doing is quasi-treasonous. 

It’s time for Hillary to go away for good, but her ego and lust for power and control simply will not allow her to do that. Instead she will probably run again in 2020. If she does, she will likely face an even worse defeat. Young voters will see her for what she is—and old, corrupt hag who is firmly in the pocket of the central banker global elite establishment. The Deep State will probably deep six her since they know this, but that remains to be seen. 

Go away, crooked Hillary!

—Ben Garrison