Saturday, July 13, 2019


Read this claptrap from HuffPo:

"Politico reported Wednesday that Ben Garrison, a fringe conservative cartoonist, had been uninvited from the event after reporters dug up his anti-Semitic cartoon depicting the Rothschild family and billionaire investor George Soros ― all Jews ― as puppet masters. Critics called out event organizers for including Garrison in the first place. What did it say about the White House that an outspoken racist was invited to represent conservative social media?"

1. I'm an independent cartoonist. 'Fringe' is a pejorative word designed to make me sound like a weirdo.

2. You didn't have to dig up that cartoon. We have it on our site. We aren't ashamed of it. We aren't hiding anything. It took no digging to find it, you lazy liars.

3. I criticize the Rothschilds for inflicting their fractional reserve/central banking debt money on us all--and that includes hard working Jews. If I were anti-Semitic, I would have labeled that hand "Jews." You and Politico are libeling me, HuffPo.

4. Why did you say 'all Jews' when you are alluding to only two of them. Shouldn't it be 'both' instead of all? You did that intentionally for drama and to aggrandize the false outrage.

5. "Outspoken racist." Please show me where I said anything racist, you lying liars.

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