Sunday, April 19, 2015

"Rogue Cartoonist" is now for sale on Amazon.

My book is on Amazon. FINALLY. It has been quite an odyssey. Here are a few things I've learned:

1. I can spot good writing, but I'm not a good writer. My respect for 'real' writers has increased even more.

2. My book is self-published and I found out that printing a full color book (even one with a modest amount of pages) is fairly cheap to launch. There are now several 'print on demand' services out there. The problem is: Printing a COLOR book 'on demand' makes the book commercially unviable. It costs them a LOT to print color on demand. Standard paper back novels? No problem....and one can still make a decent royalty should it sell. Not mine...I will make only $2 per sale. I will give away more books than I'll sell. I've already accepted that fact.

3. A good editor is critical. Mine caught many errors and improved many things I would never have considered on my own. Don't try to publish your book without getting it edited.

4. Make sure you own your own ISBN number. At least I can still pitch the book to other publishers.

5. If you decide to self-publish, listen to the advice of others, but your own vision should be paramount. Don't write someone else's book.

6. I'm terrible with prepositions.

I'm the first one form my family to actually publish a book--even if some may say it's not 'really' published because it's a quasi-vanity press. I used 'Book Baby' and I was impressed by their quality. (or 'at' their quality?)

I may convert this to an ebook in few months. Thanks to Wally Rice for his advice on that!

Amazon does not have my book in stock. That's because they will be printed 'on demand.' That takes an extra few days...but again...the quality is every bit as good as a 'regular' book.

OH--one good thing about my book being so expensive: Internet trolls will NOT be able to afford it! So in a way, I win a Pyrrhic Victory!

P.S. Some of the chuckleheads on /pol/ are already calling for libel suits--before they've read the book. Their libel against me, however, is 'free speech!'  Or so they claim. It just further illustrates the duplicity and hypocrisy of Internet trolls.

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