Friday, July 28, 2017

McMaster's Master

We know McMaster and Petraeus met with Soros at the last Bilderberg conference. The question is, why? To drain the deep state we must start with those who are corrupted by globalists such as George Soros, who is sponsored by the Rothschilds.

This cartoon was commissioned by Mike Cernovich who is on top of the matter.

--Ben Garrison

Additional: There is absolutely NOTHING anti-semitic about this cartoon no matter what the ADL says. The head of the ADL is pro-Obama and pro-George Soros, therefore he smears those who criticize them. The Rothschilds have amassed trillions of dollars over the centuries by war and inside machinations. I criticize them for their foul deeds, not their religion. Soros collaborated with the Nazis. The ADL does not get to decide or dictate what hate speech is. If they think they can, then they're also evil. 'nuff said.


The Tumor That Is John McCain


It’s time for John McCain to retire. The 80 year-old Arizona senator was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Any normal man would spend his remaining time with his family. Not McCain. He remains determined to do maximum damage to President Trump and the USA. 

McCain is a deep state stooge. He’s an angry poodle on the leash of George Soros. He’s a globalist who is pro-massive immigration, pro-war and pro-trannies in the military. He’s not a war hero no matter how many times that lie is repeated by the fakestream media. Getting shot down and suffering wounds does not make him a hero. “Song Bird” McCain told the North Vietnamese secret info which caused more Americans to die in Vietnam. He wet started his jet on the USS Forrestal as a prank. It started a massive fire that led to the death of 134 sailors. Tomorrow marks the 50th anniversary of that tragedy. McCain had to be helicoptered off the ship because many sailors were calling for his scalp. As a senator, the war-mongering traitor John McCain has enriched himself by wetstarting on America.

McCain is malignant tumor. He has given America a massive headache for way too long.

--Ben Garrison

P.S. I don't care if he has brain cancer or not. McCain is a traitor who release classified information in order to damage President Trump. Prosecute him!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

"The Hungry Bear"

The stock market bear is hungry. His fangs are out, but the stock market has a fang, too. FANG consists of Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Goog—all of which have made fantastic gains during the current bull run. These stocks are bloated pigs, but the bear continues to be thwarted.

Since its tragic inception in 1913, the Federal Reserve has made sure we got plenty of war and bubbles, including more recently the Internet Bubble, the Housing Bubble and now we have the current bull market. Some are calling it ‘the greatest bubble ever.’ 

There are a variety of reasons why the market continues to relentlessly escalate to record levels. It has nothing to do with the presidents who like to take credit for such climbs. If insiders wanted the market crash, they could have done so when Trump was elected president. They didn’t want to shoot themselves in their collective foot and lose money, so there was no crash.

The continuing rise has to do with low interest rates by the Fed which has forced money into top companies. Betting on stocks is less risky than loaning it to small businesses or putting it into the already overpriced real estate market. Invest in Illinois bonds? Oh, well never mind. How about precious metals? No, that sector has been in a bear market since 2011. Paper covers rock and the central bankers can print up an unlimited amount of paper silver to keep physical silver contained. They can’t short Bitcoin, hence the amazing rise there.

The stock market seems to be the only game left in town, but who is playing that game? Certainly not young people. They are too burdened with college debt and are having a difficult time finding jobs that pay a decent wage. Real wages haven’t risen much in 30 years, but inflation and taxes have gone up. The cost of living has hurt the American Dream. Rent continues to skyrocket. Landlords are enjoying a bull market because young people can’t afford to buy an over-priced home, even with low rates. Not many young people can't pony up $1,000 to buy one solitary share of Amazon. Also, Baby Boomers are cashing out of the market and retiring. The middle class is going away as the rich get stupendously richer while most of the country gets poorer. 

So who is doing all the buying? Insiders, that’s who. They already own most of the stocks and they know that driving up their investments benefits them very well. Global corporations, many of which pay no taxes at all, buy back their own stocks, thus benefitting the insiders. The central bankers do the same. The richest 10 percent in America own 80 percent of market wealth.

Before you accuse me of inciting class warfare, let me remind you that a lot of that wealth at the top is compounding not because of capitalism, but rather crony capitalism. Mega corporations and their lobbyists control Congress and they make sure conditions are kept in place that allow them to make successful inside bests in the mega casino that they own. President Clinton ended Glass-Steagall Act, which allowed the big banks to gamble, and what happened in 2008 showed us who really runs the show. The central bankers, represented by Hank Paulson, twisted the arm of Congress in order to rake in trillions in bailout money as well as gigantic bonuses. Quantitative easing and free money helped the bankers and Wall Street. Not Main Street. 

When will the bull market collapse? Some say this year, but we’ve heard that every year since the last drop. The doom and gloomers continue to get it wrong. People such as Martin Armstrong, who is predicting the market will double again from here, continue to get it right. The technicals show weaker pullbacks and smaller gains on lower volume. The signs point to a blowoff top and that is attracting a lot of short interest, but many traders have already shorted the market and individual stocks again and again, only to get burned again and again. The bear remains very hungry.

--Ben Garrison

P.S. I had a really bad typo--typed 2013 for the start of the Fed. It's 1913. I fixed it. My apologies. I don't have an editor and my editing skills aren't all that great.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

"Obamacare Monster"

"The Republican plan doesn’t fix the death spiral of Obamacare, it simply subsidizes it.

--Rand Paul

Senator Paul knows government loves taxes and bureaucracy and it will always be reluctant to vote away such power and control. So instead of repealing the disaster that is Obamacare altogether, Republicans are tinkering with a replacement. This is the wrong approach.

The Obamacare monster doesn’t need to be replaced. It needs to be repealed. Eliminate it altogether. Get government out of the health care business. Stop subsidizing insurance companies with taxpayer money. Instead, make insurance companies compete on an open, free market. That’s what capitalism is all about. If we removed big government and insurance company interference from health care, real capitalism could drive medical costs down considerably. 

—Ben Garrison

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Made in America:

‘All hat and no cattle’ is an old expression often applied to someone who is full of hot air. Such a person may loudly brag (big hat), but lacks accomplishments (cattle) to back up the braggadocio. In the case of president Trump, he was given a gift of a custom-made cowboy hat called “El Presidente.” The hat fits and he’s wearing it because he has already accomplished a great deal only six months into his administration. A pipeline deal, appointing a Supreme Court justice, bringing jobs back to America and better trade deals starting with the cancelation of TPP. He pulled out of the Paris Accord because it wasn’t in America’s best interest. He has humiliated the Deep State fake news media—particularly CNN. He’s an ‘America First’ president, and that’s refreshing. 

More progress needs to be made. Plans for the wall are underway, but we also need to end Obama care. Not modify it or replace it, but rather get rid of government interference in health care altogether. Let people again choose (or not choose) to buy their own insurance. Returning health care to the free market and private sector is the only way to open up competition and drive down prices. 

A lot of work remains when it comes to draining the swamp. The Deep State needs to be uprooted. The CIA has way too much power. Break them up. Eliminate the NSA. Remove the pedophiles and satanists from power. Audit and end the Federal Reserve. End the income tax and IRS tyranny.

Oh—and don’t forget Hillary. LOCK HER UP!

—Ben Garrison

Monday, July 10, 2017

G-20 Memories: The Firm Handshake

To me, the most memorable moment of the G-20 Summit was the handshake between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. There’s no reason for Russia and United States to be engaged in a new cold war. Or a hot war arranged by globalists and central bankers. President Trump showed that he’s quite capable of marshaling a foreign policy and protecting America’s interests. He made it clear that he placed America first by wearing an American flag pin on his lapel, rather than the G-20 pin. You can bet the constantly bowing Obama would have worn the latter pin.

German Chancellor Merkel (Hillary’s favorite world leader) represented the globalist interests, which include endless immigration, socialism, and ‘climate change,’ which is being used to help bring about worldwide communism. Both Putin and Trump are resisting such immigration and global elite control as well as the climate change malarky. This makes them both ‘bad guys’ in the eyes of the fake news legacy media. A left wing reporter from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation smeared President Trump by stating he had ‘no capacity to lead the free world.’ Wrong. He’s just not going along with the globalist agenda--and that’s refreshing. Trump rejects bad deals and presidents from the past few decades have made way too many of them.

Meanwhile, German leftist antifa types rioted in the streets during the summit. What did they want? Completely open borders and free stuff, of course. Don’t agree with them? If you were on the streets there and disagreed, you could have expected assault and battery to come your way. There wouldn’t have been much help from the Polizei, either. This kind of violence is gaining traction here in America, too. Young people are getting socialism drummed into their brains at colleges everywhere. They’re encouraged by professors, the mainstream media, and by extreme political correctness to engage in violent behavior. They don’t want debate. They don’t want to agree to disagree with a handshake. They want socialism by means of force, even though the lessons of history have repeatedly proven that state sponsored ‘free stuff’ and forced equality always leads to poverty, suffering and mass murder.

—Ben Garrison

Thursday, July 06, 2017

"Hitting a Hornets' Nest"

CNN has been exposed. We know they are liars and purveyors of fake news. They continue to lose viewers and credibility and now they’ve gone over the top with their attempt to suppress free speech. They targeted a young man and forced him to promise not to produce any more animated videos such as the wrestling comedy that showed them getting body slammed by President Trump. They made him apologize—or else they would expose his identity, a tactic known as ‘doxxing.’ Still, their actions weren’t merely a threat to only one individual, but a warning to all the trolls and ‘deplorables’ using free speech on the Internet. To those of us who have been targeted by trolls, we know CNN’s efforts are a fool’s errand, but apparently CNN has yet to learn that lesson. They will get that lesson now—good and hard.

By attempting to blackmail a private citizen who is not a public figure, CNN has revealed that they’re willing to pour some of their vast resources toward tracking down voices they consider offensive. They want to generate fear to pare back free speech on the Internet and perhaps hasten the return of their TV sheep back to the fold. After all, independent journalists speaking the truth freely on the Web are a thorn in CNN’s side. The mainstream media have long been the penultimate source for news, but now they are losing viewers, readers and credibility. They enjoyed the power that comes with controlling the dials of reality and the narrative. They were the filter used by the global elite Illuminati to sort and sift the news in their favor. Their news monopoly days are now gone, but apparently CNN failed to get the message. That message will be delivered to them now—good and hard.

CNN’s vile action was equivalent to hitting a hornets’ nest with a baseball bat. Their bashing and blackmailing activated a great many who loudly support our right to free speech, which includes anonymous free speech. The desperate attempt to shut down free speech on the Internet is another signal of CNN’s decline. The corporate-owned legacy media are dying. O death, where is thy sting? Well, they’re now getting stung—good and hard.

--Ben Garrison