Lately I've been thinking of a book I read long ago in high school: "A Tale of Two Cities" and the French Revolution. It was the best and worst of times. America is sliding into the worst of times, but we can return to the best again if we wake up and realize who is really lording it over us: The global elite banks (Fed central banks, IMF and their owners who control the debt enslavement money). If little Iceland can toss them out, then so can we.
My cartoon (click to enlarge) shows how the banking and corporate masters (crony capitalist fascists) control both major parties behind the scenes. They keep us distracted with left vs. right while giving us the illusion that voting for one of the other parties will solve things. It won't.
A good article I read this morning on the matter:
"...management has achieved a major increase in income and wealth. In 1973, chief executives in the US earned 26 times the median income. Today they earn 300 times. This enormous widening of the gap between the top few percent in society and the masses is morally and socially unacceptable. When the bad times start in earnest, this is likely to lead to major social unrest and violence directed against the privileged."
Until we return to the sound money of the Constitution, gold and silver, this debt slavery serfdom will get worse.
"Repression is the only lasting philosophy. The dark deference of fear and slavery, my friend," observed the Marquis, "will keep the dogs obedient to the whip, as long as this roof," looking up to it, "shuts out the sky."
Excellent illustration, Gary
No one complained about the banks when the times were good. It's only when the public loses money that the banks are considered bad.
When people people borrow and make money then it's due to their genius. When they borrow and lose money, it's due to the greedy banks.
The public are never at fault.
What a fantastic work of art, Ben. I just emailed it to my son. We just saw Charles Ferguson's Inside Job together.
The Social Pathologist sounds extra silly after seeing that movie. You're in good company TSP, even the President of the United States doesn't seem to understand he's been played. In fact, Obama's probably complicit at the least. Willfully ignorant at worst. There has been no significant banking reform and you don't have to wonder why if you see Inside Job.
Highly recommend seeing Inside Job to anyone who wants to understand how tightly our government is controlled by the financial services culture.
Thank you, Dean and I'll check out "Inside Job."
I'm surprised, though pleased to see some messages on my blog. For a couple of years, only a few people have looked at it. I will try to post more often.
I think we are seeing more than the results of greedy banks--we are witnessing the end of our profoundly flawed money system itself. Keynesianism and debt money do not work in the long run. I'm currently interested in the Gary North vs. Ellen Brown debate. Both are anti-Fed and anti-fractional reserve banking, but both have different views as to what should replace it.
The 'Social Pathologist' makes a good point, but the bigger picture goes beyond that. These banks (and I'm talking about GS, JPM, etc) bought out politicians to change banking rules that enabled them to run their banks as casinos. By fraud they got those who were clearly unqualified to by expensive homes. They then packaged the homes and sold them through derivatives--fractional reserve loan packages of a sort. When their Ponzi scheme came crashing down, they cried 'TBTF' and thus the 'public' had to bail them out through devalued currency, increased debt and, of course, taxes.
No, I don't blame the public, but I do blame them if they refuse to become informed and speak out against the abuse hurled against them!
I meant 'buy,' not 'by.' That's what I get for not proof reading, argh.
Trend Signals--who is 'Gary?' I'm Ben ;-)
Good post.
I like the three branches of government mousepad. Is there a way to get the image as opposed to having to buy the mousepad?
Let me know.
e-mail me at ben@bengarrison.com and I will send you the image--or I can mail you a print.
Thank you for your interest.
The Social Pathologist said, "No one complained about the banks when the times were good."
Many people complained about the banks when times were good. They just didn't have the attention of the main stream media.
Hi Ben,
I like your comic and am going to post it at my blog Aletho News. Please let me know if you have any objection to re-posting it.
Fantastic. Reposting at my blog
with credits.
If anyone wants to use the cartoon in any publication or on any blog or website, they can do so free of charge with my permission. I only ask that my signature remains.--BG
i prefer this version
I prefer this version of yours http://goo.gl/He31Q
Awesome work. Thanks for exposing the men behind the curtain. It is through art and music that many will wake up.
I like this version Ben.
Thanks, Art. Art and music remain very valuable and effective tools of protest!
Incredible illustration! Its nearly mid-2011 and this is not forgotten.
Well done!
Thanks again to all. I'm happy that a cartoon I drew in only 3 hours has been seen by millions all over the world.
Anyone can use the cartoon on their blogs IF they do not change or alter the cartoon and if they leave my name on it.
(Some immature people have been adding in offensive stereotypes on some of my cartoons. I guess they lack the talent to draw their own and they lack the courage to leave THEIR names on them...so they hijack my cartoons and leave my signature on).
Your great cartoon applies perfectly to Spain, too!
This localization respects your original idea, providing real examples of controlling banks, our manipulative medias and the two main parties that alternate in power. I hope you won't disapprove it:
Thanks for your work and excellent reference to Dickens.
Great page!
Keep a voice going!
Hello Ben Garrison.. I would like to use this Picture for a college visual paper,I will have citations. thx
Hello, I will be using this with citations in a rhetorical image analysis for college, amazing cartoon Ben. puts into words what I have long thought. 3 million views is awesome and hopefully the spread the word and people will THINK about what really is happening
I stumbled across this blog the other day and I am thoroughly impressed. All of your artwork is superb, and your political works ring especially true in recent months. Consider me a fan!
I hope you realise that the guy defacing your pictures with jewish caricatures is a Jew himself. He admits it right here, bottom of the picture:
MSM stands for Mainstream Media. I posted a link to this great cartoon on my latest YouTube video which also is about how horrible mainstream media is: Thieves Robbed American People of Most Important Clause of the U.S. Constitution
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