Saturday, November 14, 2015

France: Suicide by Political Correctness

I dashed this cartoon out last night to show my Patreon members. One of them pointed out that the cartoon was done before. He was right--it had already been done before. It was an obvious idea and I should have done an Internet search first. I was rushing and didn't think about doing that. Regardless, mine features France and how political correctness has done them in.

They welcomed Muslims in and expected them to be 'just like us.' They also banned guns. They banned free speech. Nobody was allowed to criticize Islam without being called 'racist.'

This is the result. While many Muslims ARE peaceful, many are not. Stating this fact does not make me 'racist.' Besides, Islam is a religion, not a race! ISIS members do not want to assimilate. They aren't about to assimilate into western culture. They want to conquer. By force of arms or numbers. France has allowed this to occur. It's suicide by political correctness.

It's time to stop 'welcoming' millions of ISIS 'refugees' into Europe. Obama wants to import millions here, too. It won't turn out well. Multiculturalism and diversity sometimes end up in balkanized divisiveness. --Ben Garrison

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